Personas Assignment

Part 1: Preparation
I selected the Roku remote for our living room TV as my accessible interface.

Were you able to navigate to the channel you were trying to access?
Did every button on the remote communicate its feature effectively?
Did you have any difficulties navigating the main menu?
Did you understand how to navigate to your desired feature?
sketch and brief description

Part 2: Recording Observations

Observer 1:
Started by pressing the power button directed at the TV
Proceeded to navigate from the home menu to the YouTube screen using the directional buttons
At the YouTube screen, pressed the OK button
Did not report any difficulties using the remote to navigate to their desired channel

Questions and Answers:

Were you able to navigate to the channel you were trying to access? Yes
Did every button on the remote communicate its feature effectively? Yes
Did you have any difficulties navigating the main menu? No
Did you understand how to navigate to your desired feature? Yes

Observer 2:
Started by pressing the power button directed at the TV, had to re-aim the remote as the sensor did not detect the remote
Proceeded to navigate from the home menu to the Spotify screen using the directional buttons
At the Spotify screen, pressed the OK button
Showed some difficulty locating the volume buttons on the side of the remote

Questions and Answers:

Were you able to navigate to the channel you were trying to access? Yes
Did every button on the remote communicate its feature effectively? No, had issues with the volume control buttons
Did you have any difficulties navigating the main menu? Yes, couldn’t find the Spotify channel
Did you understand how to navigate to your desired feature? Yes

Observer 3:
Started by pressing the power button directed at the TV
Proceeded to press the Netflix button on the remote to navigate directly to the Netflix channel without navigating through the main menu using the directional buttons
Showed no difficulty navigating to the Netflix channel using the built-in button

Questions and Answers:

Were you able to navigate to the channel you were trying to access? Yes
Did every button on the remote communicate its feature effectively? Yes
Did you have any difficulties navigating the main menu? N/A, used the Netflix button and thus did not need to navigate the main menu
Did you understand how to navigate to your desired feature? Yes
First Character Persona. They want to relax after school and watch TV. They face interface problems in figuring out how to navigate to the streaming service they want. This represents the users of my chosen interface as many people are initially indecisive of what they want to watch.

Second Character Persona. They want to watch movies with their friends on the weekend. They face interface problems in figuring out what different streaming services have movies that the entire group will be interested in. This represents the users of my chosen interface as many people watch media in groups and need to decide what to watch.
storyboard example